The TravelMike is essentially a tiny portable desktop microphone. It consists of two main components: an external USB sound card, or what SpeechWare calls their USB Multi Adapter, designed specifically to work with speech recognition software, and a built-in microphone.
You plug the Multi Adapter into a USB port on your laptop, bypassing the often inferior internal sound cards found within laptops. Then, connect one end of the included 3.5mm mini pivoting microphone to the USB Multi Adapter.
The TravelMike shares all of SpeechWare's technologies and audio chipset, including things like AGC, and Auto EQ, which are important for controlling Dragon and Voice Control. In fact, the TravelMike even includes the very same microphone capsule as its larger siblings.
This makes the TravelMike a great choice for anyone looking to add voice control to their computer. The TravelMike is an interesting and potentially useful product for people who rely on speech recognition software for their work. The built-in microphone and external USB sound card are designed specifically for use with speech recognition software, and the compact size makes it easy to take with you on the go.
The USB TravelMike is a great alternative to larger, heavier and more expensive desk microphones. They are small, light and easy to use, making them perfect for anyone who needs a portable and affordable solution. They are now available for purchase online, so you can get one today.
If you're looking for a great deal on a portable microphone, clicking on the image will take you to a page where you can see more details about this portable microphone, including the price. This is a great way to find the best price on this portable microphone you're interested in.